Georgie Rose Palmer


Mentions of: drugs, transphobia from family, ableism

Birthday: July 11th

Time Period: Late 60s - mid 70s and 1990s

Default age: N/A (none usually specified, anywhere from early 20s to late 30s with wiggle room)

  • No thoughts head empty
  • Trans
  • Bisexual
  • Capable of necromancy
  • Afraid of horses
  • Autistic
  • Dyslexic 
  • Just so sweet
  • Heart full of love
  • Poet
  • Seamstress
  • Himbette
  • Little hippie witch
  • Wide-eyed


  • Mac Anthony Carroll: boyfriend/husband
    • loves him like soulmates
    • her pet dog
  • Astral Marvel Parsons: cult leader/lover
    • idolizes astral
    • feels indebted to him for all the ways he's helped her (debatable in some cases)
  • Teresa Helen Francis: girlfriend
    • intensely in love with Teresa
    • looks up to her

Inspirations*: ???, Stevie Nicks (fashion),

* not inspiration but we realized how much she's like Misty Day recently (as of Jan 2021)

Timeline (variable depending on universe, more variable than Astral's):

In many universes Georgie is born into a transphobic family. She didn't always know she is trans, but started to question as a teenager. 

Georgie struggled with school due to her dyslexia and autism. She is functionally illiterate. She can sound through words, but struggles to read regardless. Even so, she loves to write poetry, and sometimes keeps a journal. 

Georgie's family didn't think that she would be able to live independently, and although they were right, she doesn't need to because she lives with at least some combination of three people (Mac, Astral, and Teresa) who shower her with love and affection, and understand the sort of environment she flourishes in. Mac, Teresa, and Georgie in particular, due to their respective traumas and neurodiversity, are able to understand one another, and accommodate one another (although their needs can occasionally conflict). This goes for more than just disability/neurodiversity: the four of them understand each other deeply once they get to know one another, spiritually, sexually, romantically, platonically, emotionally, gender-wise, etc. in a holistic way.

She usually runs away from her family, and eventually down the line she finds her way to Astral's cult with mixed effects. Depending on the universe, she can be more well adjusted and happy depending on when she finds herself in an environment among supportive, loving people. That is the positive outcome. The negative effect is that she is in a cult. She, like Mac, is easily manipulated, and like Mac, she also is not equipped to support herself outside their little community. 

Georgie is a skilled seamstress and loves to make experimental and silly clothing. She loves babies, and loves to make clothes for babies, as well as the people she loves. She loves to have her hair braided and played with, and she loves to be read to. When she's supported, she's affectionate, happy, and friendly. When she is not, she is prone to meltdowns, self-hatred, substance abuse, and anxiety. 

She is afraid of horses.

She has big, round eyes that stare, and a heart full of love. She can be naive, but she is emotionally aware. She and Mac have a bond that was immediate and deep. They share an autistic connection, and she can help Mac realize that about himself. She can soothe the self-hating parts of Mac that also crave being babied, and Mac can, in turn, sometimes take on a protective role to her, sometimes wanting to protect her from what he perceives as a lack of understanding from Astral and the rest of the world. 

Georgie's relationship with Mac is one that allows them both to feel unashamed of their autistic selves. They feel they can reclaim the parts of their lives they had to live in repression with each other, something that isn't as possible with Astral or Teresa, because neither of them ever lived their lives in a repressed state.

Georgie cucks Astral by impregnating Teresa during a spell that gave teresa a functioning womb. Teresa was supposed to carry Astral's child first, but instead she is impregnated by Georgie, and their half-alien baby is named Marvin

Marvin is bald except for a curly hair on the top of his head. He has two stubby, cone-shaped horns on either side of his head just above his ears that grew after he was born, and he can fly. Georgie loves him more than anything in the whole world.