December 20, 2022

I made a zine, maybe I'll put it somewhere, but it had me thinking about isolation and a bunch of other stuff. I made a series of pictures for the zine, and then continued the series on after that. These are the continuations of the thread, morphing into maze walls and tunnels and shelving that becomes windows. I imagine it smells a lot like old books and VHS plastic.

Sometimes it's hard not to think about it as if I'm asking the AI to tell me a story. That's only kind of it (if you anthropomorphize it). It's taking its best guess at the picture that would be described by my prompt. When it knits together contextless perspectives, it makes something that becomes a symbol. Not necessarily for what I wanted, it's more like a conversation, where my subconscious is a lens and it flips through a rolodex of transparencies of all the dreams I've had since I can remember, and maybe some that I made up (? that's all of them?), and holds them out over the screen until something fits and the lock clicks (open? shut?).